Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Left Lane Drivers

Ok here's my first complaint on this Blog. I'll try to keep it interesting. I hope someone sympathizes with me :-) Of course one of the biggest frustrations I have is driving on the Highways and roadways around here. It seems that every who lives in the southeast portion of the U.S. thinks that the left lane(which if your from the North is the passing lane a.k.a "the fast lane"!) is for going slow. Now don't get me wrong I truly enjoy the slow pace of the south, but when it comes to driving ,wow!, are some people around here clueless. Take for instance the person who gets in the left lane , puts their left turn signal on(with the intention of turning), slows down to 30 mph (in a 55 mph zone) and than continues in the left lane for another 2 miles. What's going on with that? What could possibily compel a driver to do that? Safety? If you ask me they're only creating traffic problems. Oh and than there's the driver who can't talk on their cell phone and drive the speed limit! So what do they do? Yeah you guessed it! They get in the left lane, slow down to at leat 20 mph under the speed limit and talk the drive away! UUUGHHH! So if you're one of those drivers that sits happily in the left lane with an empty lane to your right follow this "unspoken" rule for all left lane drivers."If you see me approching you from behind, MOVE OVER, I'm not flashing my lights to try and get your number! Check out this website


Unknown said...

Hey Madriver,
Nice blog...I'm completely with you on this one. A friend of your forwarded this to me and I appreciate you speaking out and letting everyone know that we are not crazy for thinking the same thing!

Milton said...

As an origianlly european driver I can't not agree with you. School busses are a hazard too if you ask me. Big freaking yellow slow ugly vehicles that take kids to school and back suddenly start flashing lights, everyone panics, slams the brakes, and have to wait on the middle of a 55mph highway. Like we have nothing better to do!! Who came up with that idea?? And yeah, keep right people!! Go try the autobahn, you'll keep right just to not get run over hehe. Nice Blog man!

Anonymous said...

I live in the D.C. area and left lane drivers are always in the left lane. There should be a law against it!

MADRIVER said...

Hey Anonymous there is a law against it in Pennsylvania. Get caught driving in the left lane for more than 2 miles and you can expect a ticket.

Milton said...

I misspelled originally haha!

GamePlay said...

I agree those people how travel at 55 or slower in the left lane for an extend period of time are a problem. But, I also have a problem with those dumb heads who think the the left lane is for them only, and they want to travel at 20 to 30 miles over the speedlimit. Let's face it if your doing over 55 give 5 miles or so it is illegal. Yes I get in the left lane, but I'm usually doing 60 to 65 miles an hour. Passing all the trafice in the right lane. If someone faster comes up on me i'll pull over I'm not comeing up on a slower right lane driver. But Please those impolite speed demons that come up and honk there horns and flash there lights, cuase your no doing 90 need there licences revoked cause it's illegal and sure as not safe. Then when you get by the car you where passing and trying to make sure you've got enough room to pull into the right lane. He zooms in passes you pulls back into the left lane almost taking your bumper with him. That's what I don't like.

MADRIVER said...

I hear you brother. People suck!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.